Top Disproved Risks of Breast Cancer


breast cancer causes

There are many factors that research has shown are not linked to and breast cancer symptoms. You may see information online or hear about these disproved or controversial risk factors, but it is important to learn the facts before digesting false information. Here are the top disproved risks of breast cancer.


Research on deodorant and antiperspirant use and breast cancer risk was driven by concerns that chemicals found in these products might enter the skin in the underarm and cause changes in breast cells that could lead to cancer.

However, studies have found no link between deodorant and antiperspirant use and breast cancer risk. Based on the available evidence (including what we know about how the body works), there is little if any reason to believe that antiperspirants increase the risk of breast cancer.

Bras and Underwire Bras

Scientific evidence does not support a link between wearing an underwire bra (or any type of bra) and breast cancer risk. There is no biological reason the two would be linked. Any observed relationship is likely due to other factors.

Although wearing a bra does not appear to be linked to breast cancer risk, breast size is under study as a potential risk factor.

Induced abortion

Several studies have provided very strong data that neither induced abortions nor spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) contribute to breast cancer causes.

Breast implants

Several studies have found that breast implants do not increase the risk of breast cancer, although silicone breast implants can cause scar tissue to form in the breast. Implants make breast tissue harder to see on standard mammograms, but additional x-ray pictures called implant displacement views can be used to examine the breast tissue more completely.

Certain types of breast implants can be linked to a rare type of cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). It is sometimes referred to as breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). This lymphoma appears to happen more often in implants with textured (rough) surfaces rather than smooth surfaces. If ALCL does show up after an implant, it can show as a lump, a collection of fluid near the implant, pain, swelling or asymmetry (uneven breasts). It usually responds well to treatment.


Most cohort studies to date have found no link between drinking either coffee or tea and the risk of breast cancer.

Trauma to the breast

There is no evidence to support a link between trauma or injury to the breast and risk of breast cancer.

Exposure to certain types of pesticides and industrial chemicals

Environmental pollutants have been suggested as potential causes of breast cancer because many of these compounds have estrogen-like traits. Some of the most common and well-studied environmental pollutants are organochlorines. A good way to measure exposure to these chemicals is by looking at their levels in a person’s blood. The results of most studies looking at blood organochlorine levels and risk of breast cancer have found no link between the two.

Cell Phones

Studies show no link between cell phone use and the risk of breast cancer (or other types of cancer).

Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches may be related to changing estrogen levels in a woman’s body. Since estrogen is related to breast cancer risk, migraines have been studied as a possible risk factor for breast cancer. However, cohort studies found no difference in breast cancer risk between women with and without a history of migraines.

Breast Health Institute Austin

If you have further questions about breast cancer causes or are interested in seeking treatment, Dr. Miltenburg and the Breast Health Institute of Austin is the place for you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.