Talking With Your Doctor about Surgery Options

Talking with your doctor about surgery options

There are a lot of thoughts going through your mind after an abnormal mammogram. There’s the possibility of cancer and the question of what treatment is right for you, but it’s a good idea to slow down and take a little time to process everything during those early days. Talking with your doctor about surgery options is vital. When you visit your breast specialist in Austin, we work closely with you along every step. From the first Austin mammogram to the following steps, we are always here for you. Talking With Your Doctor about Surgery Options First of all, keep in mind that your abnormal mammogram may not indicate cancer. You will need further testing to establish whether or not you actually have breast cancer and to see how far it has progressed. Second, if it turns out you do have cancer, the process has improved quite a bit …

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Can Breast Cancer be Misdiagnosed?

Can breast cancer be misdiagnosed?

Over the past few decades, medical professionals have significantly improved their ability to diagnose and treat breast cancer. As long as you do a self-examination about once a month and start annual mammograms at age 45, you and your medical care team should be able to detect any possible cancer long before it becomes life-threatening. Unfortunately, when it comes to distinguishing whether or not a lump is cancerous, we are still working within an imperfect system. So can breast cancer be misdiagnosed? We provide patients with the best breast cancer surgeon Austin has available. Contact us to learn more about what we can do for our patients. Being Diagnosed: Can Breast Cancer Be Misdiagnosed? If your initial mammogram reveals the presence of a lump, then your doctor will want to proceed with further diagnostic testing. They may do a second mammogram to get a better look at the suspected …

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How Long Does it Take to Treat Breast Cancer?

Pink breast cancer ribbon on alarm clock

There are many factors to consider when determining how long breast cancer takes to treat. Even your doctor will only be able to give estimates based on how far your cancer has spread through the breast tissue and where it has metastasized if it has metastasized at all. Their estimates are based on decades of experience and medical research. However, you should still ask your doctor to give you two estimates, one that imagines everything going to plan and one that factors in common complications. Taking all factors into consideration, the Mayo Clinic suggests that the average treatment length for breast cancer can be divided into two categories: early-stage breast cancer and advanced breast cancer. When trying to figure out how long breast cancer takes to treat, it’s important to start here. If you’re lucky and catch your condition early on, then your breast cancer treatment will generally last …

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Mastectomy vs. Skin Sparing Mastectomy

breast surgeons in Austin

A mastectomy is the removal of the whole breast. It is usually a procedure that women need after a breast cancer diagnosis. There are several different types of mastectomy, including total mastectomy, skin- and nipple-sparing mastectomy, radical mastectomy, and a double mastectomy. Here we will discuss the most common mastectomies. If you are looking for breast surgeons in Austin, look no further than the Breast Institute Austin. With state of the art breast cancer treatment options, we aim to make this journey as painless as possible for you.

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Living with Breast Cancer Pain

When undergoing breast cancer treatment, it is common to experience pain from the cancer itself or as a side effect of your treatment. Unrelieved breast cancer pain can impact your quality of life and ability to fight the disease, so pain management is of the utmost importance. Breast cancer pain management is an important aspect of any treatment plan as it helps to use an integrative approach to healing. Through the reduction of pain and improved quality of life, breast cancer pain management aids many patients in pushing through their treatment plans like warriors. Read on to discover the best ways to manage your breast cancer pain and achieve peace of mind while you heal your body. Whether it’s Chemotherapy in Austin, a mastectomy, or a consultation with a breast cancer doctor in Austin, our team of experts are here to help reclaim your body for you. Neuropathic Breast …

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