Undergoing a Breast Biopsy in Austin

A biopsy is a sample of body tissue your doctor takes for the purpose of examining it more closely. Most people have heard about biopsies of lesions, tumors (also known as cysts,) or other masses which are suspected to be cancerous. A doctor should order a biopsy when a test suggests an area of tissue isn’t normal. In some cases, a biopsy of normal-appearing tissue may be done to check for cancer spread.

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Living with Breast Cancer Pain

When undergoing breast cancer treatment, it is common to experience pain from the cancer itself or as a side effect of your treatment. Unrelieved breast cancer pain can impact your quality of life and ability to fight the disease, so pain management is of the utmost importance. Breast cancer pain management is an important aspect of any treatment plan as it helps to use an integrative approach to healing. Through the reduction of pain and improved quality of life, breast cancer pain management aids many patients in pushing through their treatment plans like warriors. Read on to discover the best ways to manage your breast cancer pain and achieve peace of mind while you heal your body. Whether it’s Chemotherapy in Austin, a mastectomy, or a consultation with a breast cancer doctor in Austin, our team of experts are here to help reclaim your body for you. Neuropathic Breast …

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