Is It Normal to Be Afraid of a Mammogram?

Young woman with anxiety for mammogram

Cancer screenings are nerve-wracking for many people. You’re faced with the possibility that something could be wrong, and being tested will make it impossible to ignore. The feeling can be so intense that individuals may put off or entirely skip routine screenings to avoid dealing with the recognition of their own mortality. So, is it normal to be afraid of a mammogram? Is It Normal to Be Afraid of a Mammogram? If this sounds at all familiar, then take comfort in knowing that it is a perfectly natural response. It’s so common that the experience is sometimes referred to as “scanxiety.” Dealing with “Scanxiety” If you’re struggling to gather the resolve to schedule and attend your next mammogram, there’s no reason to feel bad. What you’re experiencing is completely valid. The trick is finding ways to overcome your anxiety. That doesn’t mean you need to make it totally disappear. …

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Risks vs Benefits of Breast Biopsy

Doctor with folded arms and breast health ribbon on her frock.

A breast biopsy is an important part of the diagnostic process. A mammogram or ultrasound can be used to detect a mass, but a biopsy is the only way to definitively determine the nature of the mass. As a normal part of the diagnostic process, a breast biopsy is a highly regulated procedure with relatively minor risks involved. Let’s look at the risks vs benefits of a breast biopsy. Risks vs Benefits of Breast Biopsy With that being said, a biopsy may be a completely foreign concept to you. In order to demystify the process and help you feel more comfortable, we have put together a brief risk-benefit analysis along with a basic explanation of what you may expect when you get your breast biopsy in Austin. Types of Breast Biopsy Before getting into the risks and benefits of breast biopsies, we need to discuss the different types. There …

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Smoking and Breast Cancer Risk

Woman smoking and increasing her breast cancer risk

At least 70 of the 5000 plus chemicals released by cigarette smoke are directly linked to an increased risk of cancer. These are known as carcinogens, and they use your lungs as an entry point before traveling throughout your body. Once inside, a carcinogen can increase your risk of cancer in two ways, depending on its form. It may alter your cellular metabolism to increase the rate of cell division, or it may actually damage your DNA. Both of these result in a change to normal cellular processes and increase the chance of mutations, which could result in the development of cancer. Let’s look at the relationship between smoking and breast cancer risk. Smoking and Breast Cancer Risk This is why smoking is regularly associated with increased cancer rates, especially in the lungs where the carcinogens are immediately received. Unfortunately, that isn’t where they stay. The carcinogens introduced to …

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Fight Breast Cancer with Healthy Habits

Woman running to fight breast cancer with healthy habits.

People with a family history of breast cancer risk are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. It’s a matter of genetic predisposition, but that doesn’t mean you’re defenseless. You can actually preemptively improve your chances of surviving breast cancer by practicing healthy habits in your daily lives. Let’s look at how you can fight breast cancer with healthy habits. Fight Breast Cancer with Healthy Habits Here are just a handful of lifestyle choices you can make to improve your ability to fight cancer. Exercise Regularly It isn’t always easy to make time for exercise. The average American works long hours in a mostly static physical state. However, regular exercise is a vital part of maintaining our health, especially as we age. Experts suggest that the average adult needs 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Seventy-five minutes of more vigorous activity …

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Are Mammograms Painful?

Woman standing waiting for a mammogram.

Once a woman turns forty, it’s common to begin annual mammograms in order to screen for breast cancer. Women with a strong family history may begin their annual examinations at an earlier date, whereas others might wait until they are 45 to 50. Regardless of when you choose to begin your annual examinations, it’s normal to have some anxiety around the procedure. One of the most common questions is whether or not mammograms are painful. Luckily, it generally isn’t. Are Mammograms Painful? A mammogram essentially works like a normal x-ray with a few tweaks. A mammogram machine uses a lower level of radiation to get its images, but that necessitates the use of a plate on either side of your breasts. The two plates gently pressing your breast spreads your breast tissue out enough to get a clear image without the use of stronger radiation. As a result, you …

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Top 5 Breast Cancer Charities

Top 5 breast cancer charities.

Altruism is a beautiful thing. By donating even the smallest amount to a charity, you’re making a statement regarding your values and helping your chosen organization to reach their goals. For breast cancer survivors and the millions of people touched by their stories, donating to charities is a part of the healing process. For some, donating is an empowering action that allows them to feel like they are actively engaging in improving the future for people just like them. That being said, it pays to know what the most effective donation options are. Here are out top 5 breast cancer charities. Top 5 Breast Cancer Charities There are many different kinds of breast cancer charities. Some work to fund research into cures or potential surgical improvements. Other charities focus on providing care and resources to current breast cancer patients like those receiving breast cancer treatment in Austin. Regardless of …

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Options after Mastectomy

Options after mastectomy.

When you’re faced with the prospect of a mastectomy, it can be difficult to think beyond the surgery. There’s already too much on your plate, and many patients manage the stress by taking surgery, treatment, and reconstruction one step at a time. With that being said, it may be beneficial to briefly consider what reconstruction options you might be interested in after your surgery. In some cases, your surgeon may be able to spare skin and tissue necessary to achieve the look and feel you want once you’re in the clear. Options after Mastectomy This guide is intended as a cursory glance at the options that may be available to you after your mastectomy. When you’re ready, you can use it as a starting point for discussing your options with your oncologist and your plastic surgeon. Keep in mind that there may be some options that aren’t available depending …

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Talking With Your Doctor about Surgery Options

Talking with your doctor about surgery options

There are a lot of thoughts going through your mind after an abnormal mammogram. There’s the possibility of cancer and the question of what treatment is right for you, but it’s a good idea to slow down and take a little time to process everything during those early days. Talking with your doctor about surgery options is vital. When you visit your breast specialist in Austin, we work closely with you along every step. From the first Austin mammogram to the following steps, we are always here for you. Talking With Your Doctor about Surgery Options First of all, keep in mind that your abnormal mammogram may not indicate cancer. You will need further testing to establish whether or not you actually have breast cancer and to see how far it has progressed. Second, if it turns out you do have cancer, the process has improved quite a bit …

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Helping a Loved One with Breast Cancer

Helping a loved one with breast cancer.

We live in a world where the general five-year survival rate for breast cancer is 90%. That survival rate is proof of the scientific advancement and empathy focused on breast cancer research. Together, scientists, medical care providers, and patient advocates have saved countless lives through the improvements in treatment that they made possible. Sadly, none of this changes the fact that a breast cancer diagnosis has an immediate effect on the patient and everyone they love. But how do you go about helping a loved one with breast cancer? Here in Austin, our breast cancer doctor is here to help every step. Whether you or a loved one is undergoing chemotherapy in Austin, we are by your side. Helping a Loved One with Breast Cancer The truth is that the process of healing cancer is traumatizing by itself. Even with the best possible prognosis, your loved one will need …

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How to Limit Breast Cancer Risk?

We all like to think that we have some level of control over our own lives. There are conscious decisions we make that can increase the chance of a positive outcome, but life has a way of throwing curveballs when we least expect it. There is no way to guarantee that you will never develop breast cancer. However, you can take steps to limit your risk and maximize your chance of finding a tumor early by using preventative measures and preserving your general health. These are just a few ways you can work towards that goal. How to Limit Breast Cancer Risk? Knowing how to limit your breast cancer risk is an important step to take in your life. Your body, and your mind, will appreciate it. For the best breast cancer treatment Austin has, visit the Breast Institute of Austin. If you have any concerns, our lumpectomy expert …

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